Mediation practices

Program graduates frequently ask such questions as where and how to maintain and deepen their qualifications and skills.

It is possible to work specifically 'in the field' by joining the UMC mediators family (Project Manager -- Deputy Director of the Center O.Tyutyun).

Graduates of the basic mediator skills program after completing a specialized family mediation course have the opportunity to practice their skills in real cases with the supervisory support of UMC coaches. The practice is being implemented within the framework of projects of cooperation with the  Kyiv State Administration's Service on Children Affairs and Social Services. The project on providing social services in family conflicts, including in divorce proceedings, started on February 24, 2017 and aims to assist parents and children in matters under consideration by the Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child.

Within the framework of the said project, mediation is provided by mediators on a free basis as a social service in accordance with the standards defined by the State Standard of Mediation as Social Service, which was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine No. 892 of 17.08.2016. In order to become a participant in a volunteer project, you must receive basic mediator training, as well as successfully complete a specialized course that discusses the features of family mediation and work with children. The practice is co-mediation with an experienced mediator, which enables the young mediator to feel safe in the mediation process, to provide a helpful service to parents and children, and to gain the best experience in situations that require complete dedication and comprehensive application of forgotten knowledge. Business mediator skills can be deepened in situations that are 80-85% close to real ones with which we had the opportunity to see during our mediation.

1) The Simulation club is a meeting during which a mediation process is simulated with coaching support. Usually, those who wish (about 4-5 people per meeting) can try themselves as a mediator during the process, where both graduates of mediation programs and those who are only interested in mediation can play a role. Supercapacity for all participants of the event is the support of the trainer, who draws attention to the "strong moves" of the mediator, as well as its development zones. Usually, in the process of such work, everyone is satisfied, because the participants are always learning all the roles: the roles of the parties, the role of mediator and the role of observer. Often, such meetings are accompanied by methodological discussions. The Club has regular members who do not miss any club meetings and opportunities to see like-minded people and friends. UMC graduates and graduates of other educational projects are invited! Everyone starts and wins! The event is open.

(2) The Supervisory Club is an opportunity to build hypotheses to resolve complex issues, with the support of experts. Experts are graduates of negotiation and mediation programs. The programme's alumni and UMC friends, or those who would like to become closer to the center, have the role of  “inquirers”. As always, the two sides have the added value of such interaction: experts have the opportunity to train their analytical skills to resolve issues based on the methodology of mediation and the Harvard negotiation method. 'Master of the Problem' receives pro-bono advice from real practitioners who have received professional training as negotiators and mediators. The methodology used is presented to us by our colleagues from Germany -- trainers of the Business Technology Mediator Program of the Munich CCI Academy. It is built on a special algorithm and rules of interaction between the questioner and the expert groups. Problems may concern issues that have already been resolved but are not "emotionally released" or related to the preparation for future negotiations. The work of the expert group is moderated by the trainer of the Ukrainian Mediation Center. Approximate frequency of Clubs is every three months!

Use the unique opportunity to work with a range of professionals. Schedule of the Supervisory and Simulation Club you can see in the calendar:

(3) Online Simulator is an opportunity for everyone to train their skills by choosing the right answer in a simulator that offers several answer options. Let's tell the truth -- this is usually not easy. But who promised it would be easy? We promise intrigue, emotions, a desire to reach the end, as well as the opportunity to train willpower and patience.

Link to Online Simulator:

Good luck!

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